4.0.0 org.mongodb mongodb-driver-core 4.9.0 MongoDB Java Driver Core The Java operations layer for the MongoDB Java Driver. Third parties can wrap this layer to provide custom higher-level APIs https://www.mongodb.com/ The Apache License, Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt Various MongoDB scm:https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver.git scm:git@github.com:mongodb/mongo-java-driver.git https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver io.netty netty-bom 4.1.84.Final pom import org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.6 compile true org.mongodb bson 4.9.0 compile io.netty netty-buffer compile true io.netty netty-transport compile true io.netty netty-handler compile true org.mongodb bson-record-codec 4.9.0 runtime com.github.jnr jnr-unixsocket 0.38.17 runtime true software.amazon.awssdk auth 2.18.9 runtime true software.amazon.awssdk sts 2.18.9 runtime true com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-core 1.12.337 runtime true com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-sts 1.12.337 runtime true org.xerial.snappy snappy-java runtime true com.github.luben zstd-jni 1.5.2-5 runtime true org.mongodb mongodb-crypt 1.7.1 runtime true