4.0.0 org.apache.maven.surefire surefire-providers 3.0.0-M7 surefire-junit-platform SureFire JUnit Platform Runner SureFire JUnit Platform Runner Konstantin Lutovich Contributed to the original provider implementation Shintaro Katafuchi Contributed to the original provider implementation Sam Brannen Contributed to the original provider implementation Stefan Bechtold Contributed to the original provider implementation Marc Philipp Contributed to the original provider implementation Matthias Merdes Contributed to the original provider implementation Johannes Link Contributed to the original provider implementation org.apache.maven.surefire common-java5 ${project.version} org.junit.platform junit-platform-launcher org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-engine test org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-params test org.mockito mockito-core test org.powermock powermock-reflect test org.jacoco jacoco-maven-plugin jacoco-agent prepare-agent jacoco.agent maven-surefire-plugin 3.0.0-M6 ${jvm.args.tests} ${jacoco.agent} true **/JUnit47SuiteTest.java surefire-3.0.0-M7