4.0.0 io.github.openfeign parent 11.9.1 feign-core Feign Core Feign Core ${project.basedir}/.. com.squareup.okhttp3 mockwebserver test com.google.code.gson gson test org.springframework spring-context 5.3.22 test com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind ${jackson.version} test org.hamcrest hamcrest test org.mockito mockito-core 4.6.1 test maven-jar-plugin test-jar org.apache.maven.plugins maven-enforcer-plugin 3.1.0 enforce-banned-dependencies enforce feign-core should never include any dependencies, this is a design choice to keep core light and extend functionality using modules *:*:*:*:*:* *:*:*:*:test:* true active-on-jdk-11 11 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin --illegal-access=deny